Biological systems often choose actions without an explicit reward signal, a phenomenon known as intrinsic motivation. The computational principles underlying this behavior remain poorly understood. In this study, we investigate an information-theoretic approach to intrinsic motivation, based on maximizing an agent's empowerment (the mutual information between its past actions and future states). We show that this approach generalizes previous attempts to formalize intrinsic motivation, and we provide a computationally efficient algorithm for computing the necessary quantities. We test our approach on several benchmark control problems, and we explain its success in guiding intrinsically motivated behaviors by relating our information-theoretic control function to fundamental properties of the dynamical system representing the combined agent-environment system. This opens the door for designing practical artificial, intrinsically motivated controllers and for linking animal behaviors to their dynamical properties.
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Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) are analyzed via the theoretical framework of the information bottleneck (IB) principle. We first show that any DNN can be quantified by the mutual information between the layers and the input and output variables. Using this representation we can calculate the optimal information theoretic limits of the DNN and obtain finite sample generalization bounds. The advantage of getting closer to the theoretical limit is quantifiable both by the generalization bound and by the network's simplicity. We argue that both the optimal architecture, number of layers and features/connections at each layer, are related to the bifurcation points of the information bottleneck tradeoff, namely, relevant compression of the input layer with respect to the output layer. The hierarchical representations at the layered network naturally correspond to the structural phase transitions along the information curve. We believe that this new insight can lead to new optimality bounds and deep learning algorithms.
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从汽车和交通检测到自动驾驶汽车系统,可以将街道对象的对象检测应用于各种用例。因此,找到最佳的对象检测算法对于有效应用它至关重要。已经发布了许多对象检测算法,许多对象检测算法比较了对象检测算法,但是很少有人比较了最新的算法,例如Yolov5,主要是侧重于街道级对象。本文比较了各种单阶段探测器算法; SSD MobilenetV2 FPN-Lite 320x320,Yolov3,Yolov4,Yolov5L和Yolov5S在实时图像中用于街道级对象检测。该实验利用了带有3,169张图像的修改后的自动驾驶汽车数据集。数据集分为火车,验证和测试;然后,使用重新处理,色相转移和噪音对其进行预处理和增强。然后对每种算法进行训练和评估。基于实验,算法根据推论时间及其精度,召回,F1得分和平均平均精度(MAP)产生了不错的结果。结果还表明,Yolov5L的映射@.5 of 0.593,MobileNetV2 FPN-Lite的推理时间最快,而其他推理时间仅为3.20ms。还发现Yolov5s是最有效的,其具有Yolov5L精度和速度几乎与MobilenetV2 FPN-Lite一样快。这表明各种算法适用于街道级对象检测,并且足够可行,可以用于自动驾驶汽车。
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本文旨在更深入地研究各种可用的模型,包括:InceptionV3,InceptionResnetv2,MobileNetV2和EdgitionNetB7使用转移学习,以对日本动画风格的角色面对面进行分类。本文表明,有效网络-B7的精度率最高,而85.08 \%top-1的精度,其次是MobileNetV2,其准确结果略有较低,但其益处的推理时间较低,所需参数数量较少。本文还使用了一些射击的学习框架,特别是原型网络,该网络可产生不错的结果,可以用作传统转移学习方法的替代方法。
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